SITO / Discussions / sito.synergy.gridcosm
by Geoff Gilmore [giz SITOme] [email Geoff Gilmore] 2001-01-17 10:40:43 [1124]
Sunnymon-sure yer noy pissed?Because you SOUND a little pissed..My machine is 6 or 7 yrs old,a pentium 1 PC assembled from various knckoff bits and pieces;its cranky and has seen a lot of use BUT-its my inexperience thats mostly to blame.When you say 4 or5 times do you mean EVER?cause if so then yore some kind of god and I'm not worthy--or do you mean consecutively,on one tile?I think 3 or 4 is my record on one tile..any way,when I returned home this evening and found that square still open after 7 hrs I took it ,then passed out onthe keyboard-christ I do go on,what was I saying? Love,Peace and Soul,giz.
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