SITO / Discussions / sito.synergy.gridcosm
Re: Gridcosmics Anonymous
by Thomas C Armagost [tca SITOme] [email Thomas C Armagost] 2001-03-04 01:33:27 [1384]
In my dreams...

"The foreground of this square [level 700] looks like a tombstone. Or a condom. Maybe the 'dream center of my brain' was thinking about DGT's contribution to level 696."

The tombstone/condom square of mine from level 664 predates Gizmo's death. Am I precognitive? Or am I merely whistling Dixie?

Natalukas and Kiyotei hipped me to the immortal Debbie Garlick Garlick: A Proud History <> and other Cult Figures like the unforgettable Bill Simon classic postman <> and Abe Lincoln. planet of the abes <>

Last night I meditated on Gizmo's squares. He had a distinctive style that fit into the Grid nicely. He was an accomplished artist.

My back hurts like hell. I'll scrounge around looking for a new desk and chair.

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