SITO / Discussions / sito.synergy.gridcosm
A dangerous idea...
by Root Mugwort [rut SITOme] [email Root Mugwort] 2005-01-05 10:46:31 [11010]
TCA's idea for jam sessions along with many other ideas folks have had makes me want to voice my idea even though something tells me it may be a dangerous one.

What if the gridcosm were to branch. It seems simple to me though I'm not a programmer. All one would have to do is set up a website with a clone of the gridcosm program on it that starts from the same center image as the current level of the gridcosm. Then you put a link in the gridpoem that indicates it is a link to a new branch. Anyone surfing the gridcosm can then decide if they want to continue down the main tunnel or take the alternate route. The branches could be hosted by anyone with whatever rules and protocols they see fit. I hope there would be a tradition of giving credit to the original gridcosm and a way to navigate back to it. MKC's Mikecosm could be considered the first branch. His rule is that only he gets to contribute. Just a thought.

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