SITO / Discussions / sito.synergy.gridcosm
Re: pieces order
by Root Mugwort [rut SITOme] [email Root Mugwort] 2005-04-12 01:16:42 [11945]
This frustrates me as well. In the past I've proposed adding the order in which the pieces were produced to the 'gridmap' which appears to the left of each level. A number from 1 to 8 would appear by the sitoid associated with each piece to show when it was added. I got the usual response to asking for alterations to the gridcosm. Of course if the level is less than a week old you can look in the SITO news and see the exact time each piece was uploaded. You can also tell if someone used their back button to reload a piece. You can also have the SITO NewsBot send you a weekly report of who added which piece when. If you save these then you'll have a record you can consult regarding old levels. As for the ancient history of the early levels the best we can do is carbon 14 dating which is not very reliable.
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pieces order
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