SITO / Discussions / sito.synergy.gridcosm
Re: Gridcosm needs pussy
by Bettina Piwon [bpi SITOme] [email Bettina Piwon] 2006-03-14 09:41:00 [14566]
There are girls, you don´t see them. You may had to know that women don´t want to show that they ´re feminin cause the web is a (mostly) mens world (I get evry day sex-spams for men at my mailbox! sic! everybody could know that I´m a "guuurl"). I knew a lot women here at sito, you may take a look at the artchive and look at the profiles. Girls are comming ...slowly but we got more fun. You may also don´t know that Art is mostly made and forced by men , women got kids and man could work . Your ´re dreaming if you think that the world is changed, take a look at menkind, at the goverments it`s not in their intention to emanzipate the women. So you may join us and work against it , at web, at Sito or anywhere and show that you are here on this planet. Huu, now I got the mark to be a sufragette ;-)) see u
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Gridcosm needs pussy
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