SITO / Discussions / sito.synergy.gridcosm
salt and vinegar, oil and mideast
by Jon Van Oast [uwi SITOme] [email Jon Van Oast] 2006-07-27 19:00:14 [16461]
hi. i am on "vacation", so time/internet is sparse.

i have commented more on the EHO/JIT thing before; in short, i dont really get it, but hey. i like both their art.

i have to say that one of my favorite things with sito over the years is bring in folks from all over (the world, art skills, techniques) and mashing them together. what an honor to know that some crummy code you write catches the attention and skills of such a varied crowd?

i guess it should be expected if you add enough artists (read: passionate, creative souls), mix, shake, stir... you will get an explosion or two.

i guess i share the ''take it outside'' attitude in a sense (email? panic?) mostly cuz name-calling flamewars can discourage newbies, non-participating viewers, and the faint of heart. and yet, i am not really compelled to move or delete the posts (EHOs request duly noted). its part of the lifeforce of the real gridcosm.

would i intervene in some sorta all-out war where malicious vandalism and destruction occurred? i hope i never have to find out. wikipedia has its share (and then some) of this kinda thing. (i think the entirety of one article i was working on was changed to ''steve is gay'' once. luckily reversion is easy on wikipedia.) i think all fiery (and confusing?) flamewars included, sito artists wont go this route.

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