SITO / Discussions / sito.synergy.gridcosm
Artchieve (was vinegar et al.))
by Eva Hochreutener - EHO [eho SITOme] [email Eva Hochreutener - EHO] 2006-07-28 12:44:41 [16478]
I think, he's angry about his "time (and money?) vasting" on gridcosm. I "vaste" too a lot of time here, but I feel so often rewarded with charming new ideas and nice pictures, and I love them. A few I put to my artchieve, to emphasize them separatly. ...showart?show=eho.0351&idonly=EHO&seq=1 I cannot expect from people knowing me, or friends, to grab through all levels to found something especially from me. JIT's nameless collaborative pictures in his website I found not so good, because I'm intersted (par exemple) in HIS contributions, and they are "lost" in the collaborative pictures, that's a little frustrating and boring. If I look at the thumbnails in my computer I see many little nice 150x150 compositions; nice too without the original or maybe the first input context. It's my right and everybodys right to do (or play or change) with her/his contributions to gridcosm what she/he want. I mean the artchieve is exclusively for individual purposes. "He" is more christian then he thinks: giving all to a pool, and taking nothing for himself. Why? At the end he stares in the space with empty pockets and become evil. That's my opinion.

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Re: Vinegar (SNY, UWI, TCA)
Re: Artchieve (was vinega..

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