SITO / Discussions / sito.synergy.gridcosm
by mikrosopht [suh SITOme]  2008-03-09 19:14:44 [20453]
i get a strong sense of future in the present perspective-centric levels, its promising in a way of things to come literally and figuratively. also very nice with the one piece per player thusfar, good point about bringing that back in a while ago NLT. yes, the percentage per piece diet! ive gotten my c2 into the double digits, not to just remain focused primarily on the bottom/right squares. im guessing this is going to be a little challenge/against mine(our) natural tendancy being westerners and all ("reading" left to right, top to bottom), and for a time i was being quite strict with my diet but i cannot resist a good thanksgiving dinner or sweets now and then and i relapse. perhaps we can have a cosm diet support group.

welcome back onto the grid UWI! im thinking you should include All of the threaded text here in the dvd - perhaps have a main section of "highlights" from the posting, but it wouldnt take much space to have at least an archive as just bonus data even... not to mention the individual level images.. & all the animated gifs!!

Re: 3k+ (typo)

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