SITO / Discussions / sito.synergy.gridcosm
Re: MRS getting old
by beanbag amerika [ipd SITOme] [email beanbag amerika] 2008-08-11 19:11:07 [20996]
My tiny little text in 3108a2 reads:
"what part of collaborative is giving you such a hard time?"
but I was being all passive aggressive about it and not actually making it readable, instead focusing on the more specific idea of blendiness in c2, to which the gridpoem text in 3109 seemed to be a winking acknowledgement and a general
"fuck off, you old curmudgeon, you just don't get what the kids are up to these days."

The grid has certainly suffered its share of crap (I'm personally responsible for some of it). But the least an articipant can do is pay _some_ respect to the fact that someone may have poured upwards of 2 hours of thoughtful pixel pushing into that little square you're butting up against.

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MRS getting old

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