SITO / Discussions / sito.synergy.gridcosm
Re: Hogging's got to stop
by Ed Stastny [oed SITOme] [email Ed Stastny] 2008-11-26 19:33:42 [21474]
I generally agree that rules shouldn't be changed. Especially after 11 years! It's kind of artistic traditionalism/conservatism, but oh well. Now the experiment is to observe how the system self-corrects via the communication of its participants.

Adjustments to Gridcosm would likely be done via a "spin-off" project, or a separate "reboot". For instance, I'd be curious to see a Gridcosm that had a severely limited (8 colors) color palette, or a Gridcosm that allowed only one piece per user per level, or a Gridcosm made up of triangles instead of squares (only 3 new pieces per level). Etcetera.

Realistically, though, hogging is never going to stop unless it's a technical rule change, and that might not even stop it. Determined hoggers will just create multiple accounts (as I suspect they have in the past). Whether through misunderstanding, contrariness, egotism or simple aesthetic preference... people are going to "expand to fit the space available" with their art.

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Re: Hogging's got to stop
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