SITO / Discussions / sito.synergy.gridcosm
Re: Gridcosm level 879 vs. level 465
by Oliver Reimer [odr SITOme] [email Oliver Reimer] 2001-09-11 13:42:47 [2981]
Why not do good art? Problem seems to me is whose idea of what is good? Some like ideas, some like narrative, some like pure colour and form, some prefer classical order, some go for dramatic contrasts, some go for the decorative, some prefer the all over field of colour/texture kind of thing and so on. With potentially 8 different folk contributing there are unpredictable moments when a whole level holds together. If I am doing one tile at the same moment that three other's are doing tiles none of us can have a clue as to what the others are doing. I just like the surprises and the flashes of brilliance.


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Re: Gridcosm level 879 vs. level 465
879 vs. level 465

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