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yur giving me too much credit
by Oh / Brock Lee [ohk SITOme]  2015-03-29 23:10:00 [36168]
I see that little bank statement you! DUDE! NRF is OBVIOUSLY BETTER than I am! You know full well I don't know how to use fkn Slig is a massive gamer, Vb runs his own channel...fkn...Kyles just learning to use paint for Christs sake. Kru just started using a computer instead of a phone to upload I you even know how to google? Its not like you couldn't just look at my channel and find out who these ppl are Dr.OffBase. I'll be back soon enough only lonely, Geez... real soon even... In the meantime try not to alienate yourself from our crew anymore then you already have Jesus Christ.

I TOLD YOU I was gonna recruit a new generation of cosmonauts I don't know why you don't listen to me...

Fkn...Peace out MRM.


P.s. Hey why don't you try to be nice to the noobs and help them out hmmm huh? you got nothing to prove snookums. Love ya lots -Oh

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