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Ressurection And all
by Oh's Own [ohz SITOme]  2015-04-01 09:52:45 [36171]
so yeah... Hey the face-dog-bird combo is awesome

you see how I got a replay? you cant cheat something like this...

kinda sad you didn't believe in my TYT homies

kinda like you don't understand me or something. of couse the sito-ner wuld likely know they have different IPs.

But the idea that I would break/ fake beating the rules is just silly. Also idiosynchratic. Also makes me think of simply reds version of "if you dont know me by now".

Or like you somehow think im incapable of making friends or becoming the guru mod of a private chat feed where tens of ppl love me lol.

no no.. you really don't understand now I cant tell.

I cant revel in victory if I don't actually win over the rules. especially self imposed rules. that's just ridiculous. see im explaining to inform you as much as you know celebrate myself. so you arnt dumb about us yay im nice.

you should be glad. Abb is an actual artist with gimp skills and Vb has traditional cosm appeal. the other 5 are cool as fk too. Ages range from like 20 to 40 something. And yea thats a real chic too lol. how long since oyu ad a real chics box above your piece lol. lolololo

OHZ is kind orz but also running man so its like he runs and then falls down breathing all heavy or what ever.

K GTG BBL maybe i'll give you the link lol


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