SITO / Discussions / sito.synergy.gridcosm
Re: Automatically generated text
by Mike Casey [mkc SITOme]  2002-01-17 04:08:04 [3655]
Hey Jon,

I don't know if we would be able to algorithmically get the feel of the levels, but I think it would be fun to just use a couple of random words from the previous level (to keep it simple). That would make a little game of seeing which word or words were picked. I like the anagrams too.

If I were randomly picking the words, I would first randomly pick from the contributors, and then randomly from their phrase (until a non-blank word is picked). That way it wouldn't encourage long phrase fragments (not that I think there's anything wrong with that kind of thing). You could also grab two consecutive words sometimes.

It seems like that would make it possible to make more of a conversation between the levels.

Anyway, that's how I'd do it! :)

It would also be cool if you just grabbed a bunch of little phrase segments from the grid past as the list of hard-coded phrases.

The anagram part is cool when it works.

Thanks, MKC

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