SITO / Discussions / sito.synergy.gridcosm
Re: Gridcosm 000-500 shown in Portland
by mikrosopht [suh SITOme]  2002-02-26 19:49:12 [3845]
just listening to the mp3, the music is far too uniform for my liking to 'match' the gridcosm visuals. but it is a good contrast if the idea is to focus on the visuals and let the music be secondary. i think, with a more patchwork soundtrack (say gridcosm for the ear) that it would be even more overwhelming and neato.. we could have an option of including a sound with each piece of the grid.. so we have img, txt, and audio.. covering all the immediately and directly possible web accessed sense(s).. or just have a seperate audio project..

brainstorm if you feel this

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Gridcosm 000-500 shown in Portland
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