SITO / Discussions / sito.synergy.gridcosm
p P
by Mike Casey [mkc SITOme]  2000-11-18 10:29:19 [816]
But seriously, there are at least two in my circle. The me that intends to do something in particular, and whatever it is that makes more than that happen. Like I'll talk about circles and then the time stamp on the message will be 3:14, like pi. Acting like you know enough about my experience to say that implies nothing is a huge leap of ignorance - it's an incredibly popular leap of ignorance, but if truth were a popularity contest the world would be as flat as the human head.

Maybe going blind would help me see whatever it is I only abstractly know - this bullshit might just be clouding the mind's eye. I'd go blind to see something real. Really. So if I'm willing to go blind for it, there's not much anyone's going to do to make me feel inappropriate. Really.

I wish I had something nicer to say than fuck yourself, but I really think that's what most people need. Nobody else can do it for them. Like if you said "I hope you go blind" that would be more fun and interesting, especially if it happened. So in the same way, I'd like to invite anyone who wants to act like they are being clever by talking shit about me to fuck themselves over and over, and I sincerely hope that you'll have something to talk about when you're done.

Words are funny. I like to read myself writing them. Other people's interesting words are better, but supplies are limited.

Now please just be nice so I don't have to lose my shit up in here. Please muther fuckers. Pretty please.

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