SITO / Discussions / sito.synergy.gridcosm
Re: holy crap calm down!
by MARK SUNSHINE [sny SITOme] [email MARK SUNSHINE] 2004-01-24 06:58:49 [8170]
I was not being abusive - I think. One: I was ruffled by a certain vibe - if you will. I could care less about the blendy argument. ------------------------------------------ I went to her home page seeking to know a little more about her, and got a page that seemed not so cool, like some portal page you get when you mistakenly wind up at a domain name you used to visit but had since been bought by someone else. -------------------------------------

I get weirded out by some extreme new age stuff - I will admit - so that just freaks me out, regardless I was just under the impression that, for some reason, SITO, being a not for profit, couldn't let people profit VIA their SITO pages, up front. I am sure if someone wanted to buy a painting, or drawing, and had seen it on the sito page perhaps of the artist, emailed them and discreetly talked about it, then that would be different than slapping prices on the works.

I am certainly not against ANY artist making a living or trying to, I just had a perception and in an earlier post ( see ...discuss?num=8156&topic=sito.synergy.gridcosm ) first ( before my abrupt description of her became a buzzphrase )crudely exhibited the question in my mind.

Oh the heck with it.

In reply to:
holy crap calm down!
a calmer tomorrow

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