SITO / Discussions / sito.synergy.gridcosm
Re: blog
by Robert Dale Anderson [baz SITOme] [email Robert Dale Anderson] 2000-12-08 23:25:27 [988]
Yes, Jon Van Oast and his site, if I remember right UWI on UNC's Sunsite, was where I first found ftp OTIS (now SITO). I did not have much more to do with making it than break in the playground and gave a hearty second to the concept and practice of collaboration online. Ed announced the beginnings on a newsgroup and I was there like rice on a bride.

For awhile I kept a mirror of the mailing list and synergy projects on a dialin BBS, Pair O Dice.

jonl , Jon Lebkowski, is a friend I first found on the WELL and then as a neighbor in Austin. He still has a home here but is working in Colorado. Whenever he asks me or interviews my about "cyber" art or cornflaking, I mention OTIS/SITO as being my wet nurse and the reason I made the majority of my JPEGs.

Anyway, thank you Thomas, for adding that pointer.

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