SITO / Discussions / sito.synergy.gridcosm
by Austin Tatious [ohs SITOme]  2014-02-17 03:09:21 [34594]
I will try to some Browser blending by comparing 1's to previos panels 3's. Hopefully this wont be obvious...BUT HERE IS AN IDEA:

if you are merging blending anyway..why not look at the last panel and make your A blend with the last C? WHy? direction inspiration idea, but even cooler...This will connect Squares in the BROWSE PANELS! and why not...Just as big and collage-possible as the grid...

Blending upward I have discovered works in like 6's an 4's depending on your monitor dimension.


where "BROW" is a C and "SING" is a matching A on the next numbered cosm panel.

this will cuase the word to connect in Cosm Browsing mode! yay!

So If you see me Take the C Column Like this then I am also going to take the next A column on the next panel.

I may try 1+1 ,2+2+, or 3+3 panels or a varying combination.

So for those that are interested in leaving that alone and let be a good idea there you go..

for anyone else is this a notification that interfering with the experiment will be considered very rude and cuase for possible disassociation.


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