SITO / Discussions / sito.synergy.gridcosm
Re: Should the leftovers grids go to the trash?
by Robert Dale Anderson [baz SITOme] [email Robert Dale Anderson] 2000-09-08 01:08:01 [476]
A good place for leftovers might be a revitalize Panic area.

Jon & Ed, any news about when we can Panic again?

Another suggestion: A method of unreserving a square. I've sat and waited while a square was reserved by someone else only to have it timed out when a "cancel my reservation" option could have saved my wait time.

Not that I'm Perl smart, but it seems like that would not be too difficult to put in place.

Yanno a lover comes over after you've just reserved a square, which are you going to choose and which are you going to neglect?\


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Re: Should the leftovers grids go to the trash?

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