SITO / Discussions / sito.synergy.gridcosm
Re: Peoples!!!
by guest   2000-11-19 03:20:08 [831]
To tell you the truth I could care less most times about Mike's freakouts.... What got me last night - when I came home - and looked over some of the stuff that was going on here in the forum - was the tone of Mike's responses .

Such as:

Words are funny. I like to read myself writing them. Other people's interesting words are better, but supplies are limited.

Now please just be nice so I don't have to lose my shit up in here. Please muther fuckers. Pretty please.

It just sounds so beat to see this.

This cheap homeboy Eminem soundin' wiggaspeak mixed with a semi-intellectual tip?

That is what made me lose it. It looks so dumb. So mean-spirited and useless.

Callin me all and others all these names.

That is what had me pissed. Panels are panels and lord knows I have waded across fields of them - but to hear what he has to say and how he chooses to say it. That manner of engagement is as cheap as his technique.

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