SITO / Discussions / sito.synergy.gridcosm
by MARK SUNSHINE [sny SITOme] [email MARK SUNSHINE] 2001-01-17 09:03:00 [1123]
I wonder - I mean - let's be honest is it endless perfectionism? A string of 4uckups? What quirks does the machine have? Is it coal burning?

I am not being pissed...I had forgotten I even wanted to do a square and got caught up in other stuff and it is now 3:27 AM EST and Jon has told me that that one square is still taken up. Frankly I was surprised. Now I wonder - what will be there? Will it look very much different than the rest of the level - a precise panel?

This level is the sort....there must be a name for it...murky..suggestive...mixed.

OH well - eventually it will be finished. I will hop on another level. I wonder - can one eternally reserve a panel?

I mean - ad infinitum?

There should be at least that in regard as rules, no more than 4 reservations I say. Has that ever been done. I think - for the reocrd I have reserved a place, or re-reserved a panel maybe 4 or 5 times in all the time I have done this Gridcoz deal.

Just musing before bed while watching Betty Davis be just too cool.

" Eve - my understudy? I had no idea?"

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