SITO / Discussions / sito.synergy.gridcosm
Re: fruity delight
by  [mail] 2001-05-25 09:00:35 [1853]
"is the word of the day for W." In the level 773 poem, DGT's link is to a Japanese webpage where the word hubris is defined.

The Encylopedia Britannica sez:

"In most [...] Greek tragedies the hero's hubris is [...] subtle, and sometimes he appears wholly blameless."
hubris - encyclopedia article from <> <> Hubris = The last quarter of 2000, when Apple Computer's stock price plunged from above 60 to below 20.

Hubris = Blackouts in Silicon Valley this summer. Pride goeth before a fall. OTOH, Aristophanes would be the appropriate author of a play about W. Which should be titled _The Gnats_. IMHO.

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fruity delight
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