SITO / Discussions / sito.synergy.gridcosm
Re: 899a1
by jonathan   2001-10-08 00:43:10 [3171]
'Art is terrorism' was kind of an off the cuff remark to the general social fear emerging against anyone who speaks differently during wartime.

W says 'you are either with us or with the terrorists' (thats a quote, kids!) And by that reductionism I guess I am now a terrorist, since no matter how nuanced my position is about this war, I certainly do not stand with George W.

The world is not black and white, even if W and /bin/laden wishes it to be so.

Therefore art, in that context, becomes terrorism.

As for the ban-DGT symbol, that was a response to BAZ's anti-TCA symbol - which I was offended by.

Especially since it is I that usually foments the irritability towards TCA on this message board! (hey! stop that! that's my job BAZ!) and while TCA and I have had our many spats, I certainly would not want to ban him - fist fights, verbal spitting, proverbial knee to the groin, etc perhaps - but ban, never.

Just like that poor kid that made some silly art and the reaction to it was blown waaaaaay out of proportion resulting in his exile from school and global media exposure.

but, much like TCA explanations of his own squares, I have already written too much over something so little! :-)


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