SITO / Discussions / sito.synergy.gridcosm
Re: specifics
by Thomas C Armagost [tca SITOme] [email Thomas C Armagost] 2002-10-11 10:53:15 [5542]
Thoughtful, NLT.

"I realize it's a difficult task to leave open spaces, God knows I saturarte, but I've done my penance"

Do you mean open spaces within a square? So that the level will look less cramped? So that the level will look good as a whole, rather than as a bunch of interesting but uncoordinated parts? Because if that's what you were thinking, so was I. Your 1244-a2 has lots of open space in it. My 1244-c2 is crammed with images, colors, clutter. The concept was a screenshot of the worst wallpaper the world has ever seen, and some weirdo's browser from hell running in the foreground. This concept distracted me from putting open space in that square. I'll try to keep in mind the mantra ''open spaces''.... OTOH, if by ''open spaces'' you meant unreserved squares, forget the whole thing!

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