SITO / Discussions / sito.synergy.gridcosm
Re: Very odd about the apple 1246 B3
by Than Hussey [ofl SITOme] [email Than Hussey] 2002-10-13 20:57:56 [5552]
I had also used the center panel as the background, much as you then did, but I had flipped it upside down and LIQUIDized the sides down so it framed the central image, some kind of indian deity which I got from TCA's Fnord link. I put the apple (Mac logo in red) in for the head, a straight up Magritte rip. After adding a bit of text, it was all a bit busy for one panel. So I went simpler instead. Still, the similarities are bizarre.
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Re: Very odd about the apple 1246 B3

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