SITO / Discussions / sito.synergy.gridcosm
Re: Level 1551 Pshhhh
by MARK SUNSHINE [sny SITOme] [email MARK SUNSHINE] 2003-07-26 01:27:41 [7043]
I think TCA has a fascination with the newsfeed and feels the need to [[[alert]]] but does so in sucha peculiar way that is comes off weird. I often wonder how that process works, for him, that is. I ( SNY for the record ) am more on the ///what visual aid strikes me///, be it a beautiful woman rather incongrously set against a wall of graphic chaos, stripping in her room, or whatever, but usually I ( if I may state so ) always rely on graphic "clues" from the past level.

F.E. For the record - I had made my weird finishing panels on 1552 using some soldiers, photographed while playing with a LURD rebel head, placing him on a stone and treating him like some kind of doll, opening his eyes, placing a cigarette in his mouth etc etc. When I got to the next level I immediately saw him as being perched on top of a mini-wheat. In placing the bowl of Frosted Mini Wheats in b3 I exercised the common clue/hint method.

Right now...I am wondering what the hell TCA will place next to the bowl.

Now I may eat crow... but I say the way things have been going in TCA-land... there is a 66.45 % chance he will do some kind of something that will blend a bit somewhere in the panel, but whatever his image will be there WILL be some kind of garish line intended or unintended, that will almost negate his blendy efforts.

I weirdly expect it and if that does not occur then I will have a refreshing surprise, either way. I consider TCA's approach, his alerts of hyperlinking cause celeb, a personal signature, and like Mormonism to the Catholic state, a funky brand of something that, in our world, is here to stay, eclectic and by now, with his persistance and tenure, almost necessary.

EHO, where the heck are you by the way. You still doing whatever you are doing?

Suntonto El Camino

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