SITO / Discussions / sito.synergy.gridcosm
Re: Level 1551 Pshhhh
by Thomas C Armagost [tca SITOme] [email Thomas C Armagost] 2003-07-27 04:47:09 [7046]

"I wish TCA would not consider Gridcosm as an alternative blog."

BAZ, I don't think Gridcosm is an alternative blog. Never have. The only reason I posted the image of the ''don't copy that floppy'' rapper is because it made me laugh out loud. The link in the poem explains what 1552-c3 is about. All your base are belong to us. Developers, developers, developers. ...gridcosm?level=1552 The ''FBI Warning'' and links on level 1551? Like it or not, corporate intellectual property lawsuits against individuals using the net constitute an issue that's relevant to SITO. The climate is bad and getting worse.

"He knows he has a captive audience here"

And I'm your captive audience. That's how it will be for as long as you and I choose to participate.

"HINT: One can still be topical without being blind to visual coherance."

Visual coherence is problematic. You can try to ''fix'' this ''problem'' by going on IRC and planning levels in advance, and then creating a collaborative digital graphic similar to a mural in certain respects. However, Gridcosm may look contrived... I prefer spontaneity. Sometimes the freewheeling approach breaks down into ugly anarchy and conceptual discontinuity. But the Grid recovers soon enough. The occasional multilevel meltdown is preferable to the Hollywood blockbuster movie approach--a script written by committee.

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Re: Level 1551 Pshhhh
Re: Level 1551 Pshhhh

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