SITO / Discussions / sito.synergy.gridcosm
Re: 1701 my bad
by  [mail] 2004-01-15 09:00:48 [8051]
"What's with that stupid looking dude anyway?"

He's a pawn in a postmodern game of Sorry! A reference to the dark bluish thing on c3, which was originally something that SNY created before I ran it through about a hundred filters.

You want I should go away, NLT, and never come back? Shall I crawl off and die now? For all you care? ;-)

I don't feel terribly welcome in SITO Gridcosm, and haven't felt welcome for as long as I can remember. A consensus has hardened here, IMHO. Maybe it's all in my mind. Maybe everything is peachy keen.

I'll tell you one thing. I won't start smoking cigarettes again NO MATTER WHAT. I've been a nonsmoker for over ten years and have paid for all of my computer stuff simply by not buying cigarettes. Ten years of $100 per month jones. Do the math. Adds up. $12,000. I smoked tobacco sixteen years. Waste of money.

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Re: 1701 my bad
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