SITO / Discussions / sito.synergy.gridcosm
Re: Holy Crap
by Thomas C Armagost [tca SITOme] [email Thomas C Armagost] 2004-04-16 22:05:38 [8879]

BTW, the Zappa/Mothers album covers by artist Calvin Schenkel were the inspiration for significant portions of level 1739.
Top Ten of the Last Fifty or So... What are your faves? Here are mine.

...gridcosm?level=1740 The graffiti in a3 says UR.

...gridcosm?level=1741 a3, b3 and c3 are incredible.

...gridcosm?level=1750 Firesign Theatre coined the phrase "Sacred Cowboy."

...gridcosm?level=1751 Reminds me of a Firesign Theatre CD titled "Waiting for the Electrician."

...gridcosm?level=1753 A different perspective.

...gridcosm?level=1758 A little topicality every once in a while never killed anybody.

...gridcosm?level=1761 SNY's c2 cannot be ignored. Lord knows I've tried.

...gridcosm?level=1765 OED's b3 made this level work.

...gridcosm?level=1778 If Ben Franklin were alive today, he'd install a SITO variant in every school.

...gridcosm?level=1780 Ooo! Pretty colors!

Levels 1781-1790 are best seen as a sequence. Each level supports the previous one.

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Re: Holy Crap

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