SITO / Discussions / sito.synergy.gridcosm
Re: Holy Crap
by JER [jer SITOme]  2004-04-19 18:16:40 [8903]
Wacom weirdness.

Grid synchronicity # 3264

I used to use the Wacom a lot on the Grid, this was like 1997 or so, I think

This is maybe a wacom thing I did, can't remember ...gridcosm?level=211

Then I lost the magic pen and refused to buy a replacement for a ridiculous $85, so I basically shelved my tablet. Then *yesterday* after years of not having one, I got a 6x9 intuos. First thing I did with it was get on the grid and do a square. It was so much fun. And now everybody's talking about Wacom . . .

Let the pressure begin.

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Re: Holy Crap

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