SITO / Discussions / sito.synergy.gridcosm
Re: I just wanna say
by MARK SUNSHINE [sny SITOme] [email MARK SUNSHINE] 2004-09-26 17:53:18 [10052]
Holy Cow! TCA lemme tell you! I do not know whether to apologize or to congratulate you on your sleuthing, if you can call it that.

Don't get me wrong, I am not on some crazy manic tear, I just exploded for a bit in my variety of Non Blend.

One Technique is to just do 150 x 150 panels without even screencapping, which is whatI started out with. But then on the second level of explosion, I resorted to the " Pull a RANDOM panel out of my stored pieces ( current easily accessible directory has from 1343c2 done on 1-27-2003 to most recent panels )and 1635c2sny.jpg was what I picked - without a thumbnail. Who knew your name was in there -- I must say I did not even look at the panel - except to realize that the body image was from a newsgroup offering of christinamodel.


All for now!


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Re: I just wanna say

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