SITO / Discussions / sito.synergy.gridcosm
Re: Blend
by Bull Shatner   2004-11-08 01:06:28 [10341]
Many apologies for TCA's 1995-a1. I've done poor Theo Van Gough a disservice. He was a film director who was recently murdered in Holland for making a movie about the plight of some Muslim women. And, yes, he was related to Vincent--and named after Vincent's brother.

My error was compounded when the level automagically compressed and became 1996-b2. It could not be repaired by UWI. It was a very bad week.

Note that 1995-b3 does blend. Does it become part of the narrative? I'd intended b3 to serve as a counterpoint to RBR's b1. ...gridcosm?level=1995

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