SITO / Discussions / sito.synergy.gridcosm
Re: level 2028 behind the scene
by Thomas C Armagost [tca SITOme] [email Thomas C Armagost] 2004-12-02 22:47:51 [10649]
"yes level 1500 is way too much ofensive.if you like coment news , it's ok for me;it's part of your pseronality i supose. I don't know you personaly , neither snz , my attack are only about low quality works and people ruining good grids"

Just about everyone--including SNZ--seems to think that my works are usually low quality and that I'm ruining good grids--if not all of Gridcosm because I'm prolific. SNY seems to be a little more tolerant than the rest. Maybe he thinks of me as a challenging obstacle to work around--like a bad alien in a video game. Escape from Monster Island!

What hurts is when I participate on a level and do work that I think BOTH blends nicely and stands alone well--and then someone shits on it with a nasty critique in the gridpoem or a nasty square on that level. I'll admit that I've worked some levels that sucked and I wasn't proud of my contribution. But sometimes I feel that I've achieved what I set out to do and then I'm told that it stinks. Ouch.

All of us are not here for the same reason. None of us possess identical amounts of intelligence, creativity, skill, talent and accomplishment. We don't share a common style or age group or nationality. This isn't a basketball game or a jazz jam session.

Jon really is the good cop here. He's the wizard who fixes your boo-boos, and mine, and those that are the fault of SITO's 100% perfect code.

I'm not sure he can explain what's the point of Gridcosm.

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Re: level 2028 behind the scene

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