SITO / Discussions / sito.synergy.gridcosm
Re: swastika?
by Jon Van Oast [uwi SITOme] [email Jon Van Oast] 2005-01-15 00:48:58 [11146]
"It's inappropriate to upload a hygrid display pattern to Gridcosm, Jon? Why?"

my response to the inquiry about whether or not you were calling NLT a nazi was meant to be a tiny bit provocative/silly. making reference to the topical prince harry stuff. i see now it was a little too obscure, to be sure. i mostly meant *if* you were calling him that it was inappropriate; but that i suspect you werent, in the same way harry wasnt *intending* to glorify nazism. (or was he? i dont know.)

but your response to me and all its talk about symbolism is very appropriate in the context of this thread, to be sure. most sitoids, i would guess, know about the crooked-crosses long pre-nazi history in art and the like. but, symbols -- language -- are very powerful and often ambiguous. i am *fascinated* by the whole crazy mess (as a sort of armchair linguist)!!

i mean, you ask is it inappropriate to upload ''a hygrid display pattern''? of course not. but this is not just *any* pattern. out of the half-dozen or so, you chose (presumably not randomly, but even so) the swastika-like one. and, no, i dont think its inappropriate to use that one.

but it is a symbol, yes. and part of why we chose that originally (at least in some tiny way) as one possible hygrid display *is* to try to reclaim "a shape". back to art. back to "acceptable".

so dont think i am posting this post as some kinda scolding or justification that you *shouldnt have* posted that, TCA. i just want to acknowledge the can of worms we all pretty much should expect certain symbols to open up on gridcosm. (posting your intentions in the discussion is a good way to take away the ambiguity; saying ''of course, i dont mean you are a nazi'' sometimes is necessary, i think, to be certain/friendly.)

heck, if symbols were clear and art was easy to interpret, how boring would it all be?

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Re: swastika?
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