SITO / Discussions / sito.synergy.gridcosm
Re: btw eho
by Just In Time JIT [jit SITOme]  2006-06-28 21:20:33 [16013]
go on doing scriblles for the grid, and when sometime you happy , you work again on it. then add it to your artchive. but what you cannot see since 2k levels you are drawing is that people and i ,work really in a different way then you. giving two hours in a square is really 2 hours. so don't make me laugh with your pityfull arguments. there is 2k levels of rushed squares from you. and you kept the best and worked on it again on your artchive... SO BASICALY THE GRID IS A PLACE FOR YOU TO SCRIBBLE , THEN YOU PUT THE GOOD IN YOUR ARTCHIVE. go on !deny you are going to look dumb and dumber.
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Re: btw eho
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