SITO / Discussions / sito.synergy.gridcosm
Re: Artchieve (was vinegar et al.))
by jit   2006-07-28 13:02:59 [16480]
it is my right to ask a link or credit to the level you spoiled . you are denying this from bunch of monthes BUT still changed your artchive and deleted most of the levels and added links (as i gently asked in the begining,i didn't ask you delete your forged levels). anyway if denying had a queen it will be you .lately people treated me like a simple idiot WITHOUT even trying to understand anything ( exemple :
"I dont want to READ you shit about EHO here, is my intellect fine enough for you here? I dont want to read the personal attacks. It gets old.(sny) "
in a general sens you didn't read or try to understand anything SNY. i also enjoyed so much people's support WHO defintly never tried to understand my feeling. and no i am not a COPYRIGHT maniac , i just need things are done like they have to be done.

". It's my right and everybodys right to do (or play or change) with her/his contributions to gridcosm what she/he want. ."

no you don't understand that the level belongs to all the participants; that's why i asked for a link or the right credit for me or others artists. i asked you something simple ; that you did btw( only partialy ) .because obviously you knew i was right.But admiting or being nice is something very difficult for you. i am nice when people are nice with me. but now i am gone and for good.

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Artchieve (was vinegar et al.))

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