we really must hire a horde of interns to make sito be all it can be. every language of the world. magic, flexible, playful site. super-site! i am late-night-inspired by an email from a professor/artist in china who sent an email saying we are linked on this page: ̩ɽ»¼ÒÕÅΰÃ÷ÓÑÇéÁ´½Ó|»¼Ò¼ò½é|¹ØÓÚ»¼Ò|» ¼ÒÐÂÎÅ|ÐÂ×÷Æ·ÐÀÉÍ|̩ɽ»×¨Ìâ|·¢±íÓëÈÙÓþ|ÀÏ°æ±¾¾«Ñ¡|·çË®»×¨Ìâ|´ÓÉú»îÖÐÀ´|½»Á÷Óë²É·ç|ÓÐÏÖ»¿É¹º|²èÓà·¹ºó|ÍøÓÑ&Ìí²Ê|´´×÷Óë×÷Æ·| ÁªÏµ»¼Ò|ÂÛ̳|ÁôÑÔ|Öйú»ÖªÊ¶´ó¹Û|Öйú»ÀÈ|Ãû¼Ò»ÀÈ|ÃûÈË»ÀÈ|ÒÕÊõ»ÀÈ||ÃÀлáÔ±|ÊéлáÔ±|ÖйúÃÀÊõ¼Ò|¹ú¼ÒÒ»¼¶ÃÀÊõʦ|Ñо¿Ôº|Ñо¿ Ô±|Ñо¿¹ÝÔ±|ÎÄÊ·¹ÝÔ±|»¼Ò|ÃûÈËÃû¼Ò|Ãû»|ÒÕÊõÆ·|ÒÕÊõƷͶ×Ê|ÊÕ²Ø|ÃÀЩ»áÔ±|»Ôº|רҵ»¼Ò|¹¤ÒÕÃÀÊõ´óʦ|ÒÕÊõ´ó¼Ò|̩ɽ|Ì©°²|̩ɽ»¼Ò| ÒÕÊõ|ÒÕÊõ¼Ò|½ÌÊÚ|ÕÅΰÃ÷|»æ»|ÃÀÊõ|»¼Ò|ɽˮ»|ÃûÈË|ÅÄÂô|Öйú|Öйú»|¹ú»|ÊÕ²Ø|²Ø¼Ò|»¼ÒÍø|̩ɽÈË| <mt007.cn> (view source is about the best i could do.) who knew, when ed and i were futzing around with baby sito so many years ago, that so many awesome people from all over would find our tiny site in corner of the net.universe? maybe when i am 90 i will go on the sito world tour. if we humans havent broken everything by then. ha. ouch.