Description:This is a joke-selfportrait: Giorgio de Chirico had a similar composition, with both man's eyes closed, intitled: "The Child's Brain is sleeping"; André Breton did a joke copy with the two eyes of the man opened and intitled it "The Child's brain is awake"... I started from the same de Chirico painting, replaced the man with myself (one eye closed, one eye opened) and I have written a whole history of my artist name (Danu, which means Yes-No in Romanian) on the orange table... Making a long story short, the DADA mouvement (a precursory current to surrealism) was born the 8th of February 1916 in Zurich (and the main theoretician was another Romanian, Tristan Tzara); myself, DANU, I'm born the SAME day but some years later...
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File uploaded:8.1.2005 14:11 Copyright:Artist retains full copyright of any and all works he or she has created. Please contact this artist before using any of the artist's work in any way.
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