Description:This building is located near one of my favorite, yet out-of-the-way intersections (and neighborhoods) in Portland, NE 72nd/Sandy Blvd/Fremont St. Within this confusing tangle of streets can be found a great donut shop, and old-school soda fountain and pharmacy, a classic single-screen theater, some great Vietnamese restaurants and markets, and the Sandy Jug. The Jug is located at NE 74th and Sandy in the Roseway neighborhood. "The building is a remnant of the 20's and 30's, when colorful and playfully designed structures lined the highways of the U.S. It's a reminder that Sandy Boulevard used to be the main stem of U.S 30, the primary connecting artery for Portland to eastern Oregon and other points east. Since the Banfield Expressway was completed in the 1950's, the importance of Sandy has dwindled, but the Sandy Jug remains. It's currently occupied by a strip club, which I doubt the builders of the Jug originally had in mind." Quoted from the "Alameda Ridge Bicycle Cruise", a zine and bicycle ride I have done along the Alameda Ridge, one of Portland's natural features. (If you want a copy of the zine, please email me!)
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File uploaded:11.2.2004 05:29 Copyright:Artist retains full copyright of any and all works he or she has created. Please contact this artist before using any of the artist's work in any way.
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