Description:4. THE SANTA? PARADE The Buzzy Bee has taken us to a truly strange world. Flying above the Santa Parade, what a charade. Santa what have you become? You were once a deity of abundance - Poseidon, Woden, St. Nicholas, Father Christmas, Sinte Klass, Santa Claus. Then in that year of 1931, work on the new Santa was begun. Ole Haddon Sunblom, was paid to create a new look for Father Christmas displaying the red and white colours of the world's most famous soft drink. The resulting Santa was so insinc with that 'Is It' soft drink. So now the Father Christmas, the once selfless benefactor, has become a facade for a corporate chapter. "He is a jovial man with a thirst as hearty as his laugh". Soda pop Santa are you happy in your sizzling summer beach scene, illuminated by a cheezy sun, filling your sack of abundance with the very people you once emptied it to, over inflated by your creator director. Are you the 'Real Thing'? None look up to see the Buzzy Bee's words: "My doesn't his creator look like his creation" Oil on Canvas,1995
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File uploaded:12.19.2007 20:30 Copyright:Artist retains full copyright of any and all works he or she has created. Please contact this artist before using any of the artist's work in any way.
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