Viewing a discussion message  <<BACK

Discussion messages appear in the upper left corner of the discussion page. At the top of the message appears some information about who posted the message and when, below the message's subject. This is followed by the body of the message. Below this may be some additional information about the message.

Below the subject, on the left, is the sender of the message. There may be some icons near this. An envelope icon (as shown to the right) can be clicked to respond to the sender via private email. If there is an additional icon (which varies among users), this will link to the user's SITOmehelp: SITOme, if they have a SITO ID.

Beneath the body of the message, there will be listed, as applicable, which messages the displayed one is a reply to, and if there are any replies to this message. Information about the message being cross-posted to other topics may also be in this area below the body.

Immediately below the message is the form for posting a Posting a discussion message