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Gridcosm Report for Kiyotei (KYT)

Number levels: 272
Number pieces: 356
Hogfactor: 0.04
Avg time between pieces: 247.9 hr
Position popularity: c1 (16%), a1 (13%), a2 (13%), b3 (12%), c2 (12%), c3 (10%), b1 (10%), a3 (10%)
Pieces by week over
history of Gridcosm
Upload time, by hour:
local SITO time (-0600)

See full report of all artists.

All levels:

232 242 27 31 32 342 40 42 43 47 52 54 55 56 57 59 60 61 652 68 69 70 76 79 88 1032 104 1073 1082 109 1102 111 112 1132 1153 1162 117 118 119 120 126 1282 129 134 136 137 138 141 142 1442 145 152 166 1702 171 173 180 181 1822 1832 184 185 1862 187 192 193 196 213 214 2322 234 235 238 239 2402 2412 242 243 2462 2472 2483 253 254 255 257 2582 259 261 263 264 265 270 275 276 297 298 299 302 304 308 3112 3122 3202 3272 3292 3303 3312 3322 3352 336 337 362 363 365 3662 370 3712 3733 3742 375 376 377 379 380 382 383 3842 385 3862 3873 3882 3902 4192 420 421 4223 4232 424 4253 4262 428 4292 430 432 4332 434 435 4362 4372 4382 439 440 441 442 4432 4492 450 459 465 466 4672 493 494 495 496 502 503 509 510 512 513 516 5182 522 5232 539 543 544 545 551 565 566 569 574 590 595 5962 597 6005 601 602 604 607 608 613 614 616 630 641 651 688 700 703 7042 705 712 713 714 715 716 733 741 745 768 773 807 809 816 821 822 857 875 876 877 8782 8803 881 883 885 886 888 897 901 907 910 9172 918 919 920 9232 924 9272 933 935 9362 967 1001 10022 1003 1006 1015 10162 1020 10212 10222 1066 11262 1127 1128 1181 1225 12672 1271 1273 1277 1792 1793 2274 2279 2281 2282 2852
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