SITO is a rather complicated organism that
extends beyond the Web realm. However, this help file will attempt
only to aid you with our main virtual hold-out,
Individual artists
Promoting artists is a major goal of ours, here at SITO.
To that end, we've created an open art archive which provides
a space online for artists to publish their visuals. We call that
section of SITO
"the Artchive".
Experimenting with collaboration is also one of our sacred
quests. We've come up with a lot of kooky stuff over the years,
some of it has even made it out of our brains and onto the site.
SITO's collaborative art projects all salute to the banner of
Fostering community is important to SITO, so we've set up
a number of public
Discussion Topics to facilitate
mass communication between SITOids. Each articipant on SITO has their
very own topic area for discussion of their artwork.
Keeping track of all this can be daunting at times, so SITO
has a site-wide News feature. We
are also constantly exploring and experimenting with the browsing
methods of SITO art, to enhance viewers' ability to see into the
sometimes murky waters of SITO.
And much more
There is so much more to SITO, that we could go on for days!
But we think it would be more fun for you to poke around yourself.
Don't worry, you won't break anything. Maybe even take our
SITO Tour.