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General Intro
Most general SITO help. Basics of SITO are covered including links to guides, FAQ, info, etc.
The SITO Copyright System
Outlines the method and philosophy behind the copyright system SITO has in place.
Configurable copyright options
Gives a listing of the choices available to SITO users for copyright, in addition to their own custom wording.
Contacting SITO
How to send a message to a Real Human in the world of SITO.
Who or what is SITO?
What is SITO? Who runs this? What is going on?
Artchive FAQ
Explains what the SITO artchive (online art collection) is and how to view it and add to it.
Adding to the Artchive
How to add art work to the SITO Artchive
"Tags" in the Artchive
Explanation of Tags in the SITO Artchive
Artchive Viewing
Details on viewing artworks in the SITO Artchive
Artchive Image Details (EXIF)
About EXIF (image detail) information on images in the SITO Artchive
Artchive Image Ownership
Outlines who owns the images and artworks in the SITO Artchive
Synergy Projects
Collaborative art is what SITO is all about. Find out more.
HyGrid Overview
General overview of what HyGrid is and how to navigate using its interface.
HyGrid Display
Let's try to make sense of what you are looking at in the HyGrid display.
Welcome to the Art of Gridcosm
General intro of what Gridcosm is and how to participate.
What is SITO PANIC! And how do I play?
About SITO News
Info about SITO News Feature, which tracks and reports activity on SITO.
News Flash!
How to navigate around News Flash!, the report page of what's new and activity on SITO.
News Briefs
Info about News Briefs and how to sign up for receiving them.
Info about Newswire (RSS) and how to retrieve it.
Brief introduction to SITO discussion board where people can discuss a variety of topics.
Discussion message list
Help on the listing of discussion messages.
Posting a discussion message
Help on the posting a discussion message.
Viewing a discussion message
Help on the viewing of discussion messages.
Overview of SITO Help System
Introduction and overview of the SITO Help System.
IDs, SUE, and you
A brief explanation of the collaborative/user environment on SITO.
General help on the SITO user's personal page, the 'SITOme'.
User Settings
Help for user's setting their own personal options on SITO, such as name, email address, home page, copyright, etc.
Icon Upload
Help changing the SITO user icon.
Viewable Settings
Describes what 'public' and 'private' mean relative to User Settings
User Email Address
Information about the email address given by a SITO articipant on their User Settings page.
Explanation of SITO language support.
Discussion Notification
Explanation of Discussion Notification for User Settings
Notes on Creating Your SITOme "Bio" Section
Help and tips on creating the Bio section for a user's SITOme.
Logging In
Help on logging in with SITO ID.
Forgotten password
Help with a forgotten password for your SITO ID.
Acquiring a new SITO ID
How a new SITO articipant obtains a SITO ID.
Key to 'SUE Bar' at the top of most SITO pages.
Usage of user information submitted to SITO
Outlines the SITO policy on confidential (and other) information that a user gives to SITO.
Searching SITO
How to search the entire SITO site for what you are looking for using the Search feature.
Information about SITO's collection of links to other sites.