Level 1063 of 4837Started on Apr 06, 2002.
Completed on Apr 07, 2002.
Artist matrix
Grid poem
girls like Alice will do anything impatient boys amuse them without girls to cut her some slack. "Bob" tact ha be rod very hot thank you much. George "The Troll" Washio a d Ralph "The Note" Il doctore Coppipaste's theories explained why I first got it when I stepped in giant doo-doo while walking around in the shoes of giants that stomped the seeds of Fear, Uncertainty & Doubt.
Getting around
To navigate, click the outer edges of the grid to zoom-out (up one level). Click the center of the grid to zoom-in (down one level). Would you prefer to jump to a random level? You might also enjoy the animated viewer, with which you can watch Gridcosm levels fly by. Disoriented? Read more about the Gridcosm collaborative art project.Administrivia
This is Gridcosm engine version 2.980.Completed level images are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 Generic License. (This does not apply to individual pieces by single artists.)