Level 1120 of 4861Started on May 30, 2002.
Completed on May 31, 2002.
Artist matrix
Grid poem
Attack of the rocky tocky jester spider 747 irish take web jet jig my my Chickasaw sprig of parsley. He had, in addition, a capacity for very lucid dreaming and occasional visions. In the fall of 1913, he had a black rose vision like a "monstrous flood" engulfing most of Europe and lapping at the mountains of his native Switzerland. He saw thousands of people drowning and civilization crumbling. Then, the waters turned into blood. This vision was followed, in the next few weeks, by dreams of eternal winters and rivers of blood. He was afraid that he was becoming psychotic. But on August 1 of that year, World War I began. Jung felt that there had been a connection, somehow, between himself as an individual and humanity in general....
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This is Gridcosm engine version 2.980.Completed level images are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 Generic License. (This does not apply to individual pieces by single artists.)