Level 1424 of 4910Started on Apr 05, 2003.
Completed on Apr 06, 2003.
Artist matrix
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Grid poem
There was a gnoll roll in the big fish bowl of shared soul that she wore like a hat is what she said, and we warned her not to play with that yellow gernade, but she was a lemon- ade hag paw as sure as the will sunshine, she just couldn't leave that dang thing alone! Meanwhile, a homeless hacker is creating Genetic Algorithm Byproducts using software that he coded, and sometimes that perfect alignment comes -- even if your monitor gets all fuzzy and you freak out cause you is broke believe you me brutha, t'ain't no joke when you start pulling out your hair when the bills start stackin' up. Resorting to drastic tactics like buying groceries on credit, visiting friends and relatives at dinner time and leaving the heat turned off although it's near freezing out. There's that stage when you get to be one major unexpected expense away from having to sell your plasma to keep the wolves at bay.
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This is Gridcosm engine version 2.980.Completed level images are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 Generic License. (This does not apply to individual pieces by single artists.)