Level 2259 of 4841Started on May 04, 2005.
Completed on May 05, 2005.
Artist matrix
Grid poem
Row, row row your robowhat gently in the stream something prepare how with food guest dog ? In a bowl the concruls A trust of 9-foot insects from another galaxy. pink shrink link brink fink blink think plink plunk thunk shrunk punk
Getting around
To navigate, click the outer edges of the grid to zoom-out (up one level). Click the center of the grid to zoom-in (down one level). Would you prefer to jump to a random level? You might also enjoy the animated viewer, with which you can watch Gridcosm levels fly by. Disoriented? Read more about the Gridcosm collaborative art project.Administrivia
This is Gridcosm engine version 2.980.Completed level images are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 Generic License. (This does not apply to individual pieces by single artists.)