Level 3159 of 4835Started on Sep 07, 2008.
Completed on Sep 08, 2008.
Artist matrix
Grid poem
Thanks to the HIPNOTECH suport, GM will haul that garbage away to the autonomy of the church steeples , where the head-assholed priest plots to erase divergent poetic voices, being helped by ASTM International ( As i arrived, the priest imediately conducted me to the swimming pool. astm the swim was invigorating but the nap on the floor was hipnoticaly induced by two beautiful HIPNOTECH functionaries (one brunette and the other blond), as they took turns playing with my hard-on. Before i've collapsed, i kissed the girls and made them do things that would eventually find their way to the internet.
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This is Gridcosm engine version 2.980.Completed level images are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 Generic License. (This does not apply to individual pieces by single artists.)